Suppose X Has A Continuous Uniform Distribution Over The Interval

Suppose X has a continuous uniform distribution over the interval [a, b]. This distribution is characterized by its uniform probability density function, which means that X is equally likely to take on any value within the interval. The continuous uniform distribution is commonly used to model random variables that are uniformly distributed over a given range, such as the time between arrivals in a queue or the size of a randomly selected sample.

The continuous uniform distribution has several key properties. First, it is symmetric about the midpoint of the interval, (a+b)/2. Second, its range is the interval [a, b]. Third, its mean is (a+b)/2 and its variance is (b-a)^2/12.

Definition of Continuous Uniform Distribution

A continuous uniform distribution is a probability distribution that assigns equal probability to all values within a specified interval. The mathematical formula for a continuous uniform distribution over an interval [a, b] is given by:

f(x) = 1/(b

a) for a ≤ x ≤ b

Properties of Continuous Uniform Distribution

Suppose x has a continuous uniform distribution over the interval

Symmetry, Suppose x has a continuous uniform distribution over the interval

A continuous uniform distribution is symmetric about its mean, which is the midpoint of the interval.


The range of a continuous uniform distribution is the interval [a, b].


The mean of a continuous uniform distribution is (a + b)/2.

Applications of Continuous Uniform Distribution: Suppose X Has A Continuous Uniform Distribution Over The Interval

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Random Sampling

A continuous uniform distribution is used to select random samples from a population. For example, if you want to select a random number between 0 and 1, you can use a continuous uniform distribution.


A continuous uniform distribution can be used to simulate random variables. For example, you can use a continuous uniform distribution to simulate the time it takes for a customer to arrive at a store.

Simulation of Continuous Uniform Distribution

To simulate a continuous uniform distribution, you can use the following steps:

  1. Generate a random number between 0 and 1.
  2. Multiply the random number by the length of the interval.
  3. Add the lower bound of the interval to the product.

Comparison with Other Distributions

Suppose x has a continuous uniform distribution over the interval

Normal Distribution

A continuous uniform distribution is different from a normal distribution in that it has a constant probability density function within the interval [a, b], while a normal distribution has a bell-shaped probability density function.

Exponential Distribution

A continuous uniform distribution is different from an exponential distribution in that it has a constant probability density function within the interval [a, b], while an exponential distribution has a decreasing probability density function.

FAQ Overview

What is the probability density function of the continuous uniform distribution?

The probability density function of the continuous uniform distribution is given by:

$$f(x) = \frac1b-a, \quad a \le x \le b$$

What is the mean of the continuous uniform distribution?

The mean of the continuous uniform distribution is given by:

$$E(X) = \fraca+b2$$

What is the variance of the continuous uniform distribution?

The variance of the continuous uniform distribution is given by:

$$Var(X) = \frac(b-a)^212$$